
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Rolling with the punches

My last company, I reported to a women manager. Even when I got a new one, it was still a girl. Girl's tend to be: more talkative, detailed and wanting details, sympathetic, understanding, and just all-around fairly easy to work with (at least in my opinion).
My new company- it is the complete opposite and it is challenging adapting to the changes. Especially since I work remotely.... For instance, in my old job, if I didn't have as many meetings as I was supposed to in a week- they would say "Emily, you are doing a great job. You were soooo busy this week and we saw and noticed that so don't worry about it"
This job goes something like this... no body tells you what the expectations are. So- I do what I think I should do, then get reprimanded for it (not really in trouble, just brought to my attention) and I have to act like I don't give a crap about what they are saying (emotionally) and will fix it and move on. Meanwhile, I feel like a failure inside, I HATE getting in trouble or not being a "favorite" etc. It sucks and I am really trying to tone down my girliness and roll with the punches as they come but one if my bosses literally thinks I am an idiot. Here are a few examples:
- I emailed him the other day and said I was visiting three places in the morning and would call him in the afternoon. He emails back and says "visiting three places" is not a proper term for a sales call. You need to say you are going on three "sales calls" then proceeds to walk me though a sales 101 course via email
- He told me the other day on the phone that police are like the military in the aspect that they are very title oriented (Chief, Sergeant, etc.) and when I am talking to them I need to address them by their title.... no sh*t Shurlock. Do you think I grew up under a rock and haven't been paying attention the last year I was with this company?

Those are just 2 examples of many that come to mind right now. I am really upset right now because when I took this position, originally he said I would definitely be traveling a lot. But not necessarily even week. So, every week I have been spending 2-4 full days there, just depending. Now, as of today, I am supposed to be spending Monday-Friday there. Great. excellent. And back to the expectations. Nobody tells you and then just expects you to have already known this.
Very frustrating.


  1. Wow Em I totally feel you on this one! I have pretty much only worked for guys and been the only girl so I know what you mean. They tell you to do something, without any details and just expect you to do somehow and figure it out! Then if you don't do it right or the way they want its your fault! Ugh! At least you don't get sent porno pics when your boss aim video chats you!

  2. I feel ya on this one. That hierarchy is very prevalent in the medical world for sure. Holding in your emotions (aka crying) just makes it worse too. Let it roll off your shoulders and look at it as a challenge to kick ass later and motivate yourself.
