Adam flew into Ft. Lauderdale to meet me and we woke up the next morning bright eyed and really excited for our 4 hour trip to Key West- which was pretty fun and amazingly beautiful. We stopped for lunch on one if the islands (not sure which one) to officially kick off the trip.
We loved these old doors around the pool areas:
Hi Adam
These little geckos were EVERYWHERE (which I personally think are cute). But didn't someone just tell me they were endangered? Lies.
Our last day of Key West, we decided to take advantage of the ocean and so we went on a snorkeling trip. I typically love snorkeling, but this was a three hour trip- so just a long time to be out there. When we were snorkeling (which was actually amazing- we saw some HUGE fish!) it was pretty wavy and I got really motion-sick. So, when I got out of the water, I wasn't sure if I was going to throw up for the next thirty minutes or not. And Adam's nose is always too big for the snorkel mask (haha) so he was complaining about his nose hurting while we were in the water :) Gotta love him.
We walked by this tree on the way to the snorkel boat. Coolest tree, but coolest picture ever of the tree.
Sea turtle!!! So cool. I wanted to keep it.
Sunday morning we sadly said good bye to Key West. I was soooo sad to leave, I seriously considered moving there (but I didn't) and we drove back north to Ft. Lauderdale where we had a great hotel with a great pool and some beautiful beaches only about 2 blocks away. Adam went on a photography kick at the beach while I laid out.
All in all, great vacation. I love my sweet, sweet husband and am very thankful for him :) Next major trip up- Napa Valley with the Moores!!!! Let the count down begin....
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