
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

And now... a little rhyme

I am sitting alone in my hotel room in Florida
Sipping on vino and thinking about Glorida
Glorida, you ask, who is that?
I am not sure, she just happened to rhyme in this little tat
I am bored as you may see
Don't judge, or I might pee
If I was rich I would quit my job
But I am not, so I must continue to sale to the mob

I must travel with an evil manager this week
I hope I can make it through, if not, I might not be able to speak
You see, I am thinking evil thoughts about this coming experience
I might just quit before I have to go through with this (doesn't rhyme, I know)
Wish me luck so I am not fired
Although I won't give a crap and would throw a party when I get back to Denver if that did happen - I conspire.


  1. Oh Emily... how I miss listening to all the fantastic/ridiculous stuff that pops out of your mouth at any given moment
