
Friday, December 4, 2009

Reasons to get married and buy a dog

Here are all my top reasons for loving the fact that I am married besides the obvious (living with your best friend, being in love, etc.... ).

1) I never have to do anything gross anymore. Here are a few examples:
- Taking out the trash
- Picking up the dog poo in the yard
- Cleaning up Tyson's puke
- Killing bugs
- Cleaning out moldy food in the fridge

2) No heavy lifting

3) Never being scared at night

4) Snuggling EVERY night of my life, even if it makes Adam claustrophobic

5) Having a permanent lawn guy

Top Reasons for buying a dog:

1) They are freaking cute

2) They LOVE you and boost your self esteem

3) They make you laugh

4)They keep you in some what of descent shape because you need to take them on walks

5) They make you keep your house clean because you can't have things laying around anymore that they can and will chew on

6) And what got me thinking about writing this post is I just spent my entire lunch break making Tyson sit on the couch and watch me do all my old classy cat routines. Adam won't let me do them when he is home and Tyson makes a GREAT audience. (He had this look on his face the whole time like "what are you doing you crazy person").


  1. Emily. I am laughing out loud right now. I love your blog. :)
