I was inspired by Brittany Carter's cute post dedicated for Jimmy's Bday. Adam's Birthday was just a few weeks ago (April 30th) so I decided to do a post especially for him because he has been a trooper these past two months. There are many, many reasons why I love Adam, but I will highlight some items that stick out in my mind.
Did you guys know every week when I am out of town, he spends Friday afternoon cleaning the house, so when he picks me up and brings me home, the house is clean and I don't have to worry about for the weekend? This is such a huge help and it is one less thing I need to think about over the weekend. Coming home from a long week out of town would be even more miserable, if I walked into a messy house.
There have been several 6am flights I have taken recently, which means, he drives me there at about 4:15am. Not to mention, he already opens the gym at 4:30am 2 days a week and I add to this early morningness. I feel like he is always waking up early to get to work or take me to the airport
Since I am gone, Adam not only works 40+ hours a week, but he is also taking care of the grocery shopping, Tyson, house, etc. all alone with no complaining.
Let's face it, I am a weekend wife and Adam did not sign up for that. But he has been my rock. When I have my freak-outs about life, traveling, etc. He is always there to encourage me and never complains about me being gone. It is what it is and this is not a permanent thing.
Lastly, Adam thinks differently than most about work and such. He is a serial entrepreneur and constantly creating new business ideas. Though this can be challenging to deal with at times, he has really shown me a different way of thinking and I think he will always keep me on my toes and not let me settle. I love, love, LOVE this about Adam. He is so passionate about things and it makes me look at life differently.
As our 1 year is only a few weeks away (Crazy!!!) i can honestly say, I love being married. It is so much fun being married to Adam. We genuinelly love spending every waking second together and never get bored of each other. We are closer than we were a year ago and I only hope we can continue to grow together as a couple!!!!

Best Day Ever 6.6.09
Getting ready for the Moore's wedding

Brought a tear to my eye :)